The ActInSarc Project.
As soon as we had finished the entire design for the ActInSarc approval studies we began with the first design of a series of webpages. Some of its information is dedicated mainly to investigators, but there are also parts for public access. Their task is to explain the special approach of nanomedicine in cancer cure.
Indeed, it is not less than a completely new revolutionary method to enhance the classic radiotherapy treatment. Consequently, we intended a forward orientated and futuristic design that reflects this special kind of expectation.
The Features.
Besides of somewhat wikipedia like parts, it contains very specific medical information, statistics, maps etc. which needed to be maintained by the client.
Moreover, while respecting particular security issues, it had to be made available for worldwide investigators who take part in the study.
Nanoparticles are working deep inside the body and beyond the limits or human perception. Being almost something like a mystery, we loved to communicate this in the visual world of ActInSarc study design. Consequently, ultra smooth CSS animations vest the pages’ backgrounds in a reduced way.
In addition, new participating medical centers are able to enter their data and position including investigational status. On a regular basis the maps are automatically updated plus providing many special backend features to access and fill in forms.
The website works also in terms of an app where medical staff are able to elaborate data and present results via graphic tools like statistics, self-creating diagrams and many more. These sections’ materials are provided only under specific login credentials to authorized staff members and hospital personal.
Editable Tooltip Line Charts
Finally, an exhaustive interactive portfolio part gives all kinds of inside and basic knowledge about nanomedicine and specific details concerning the study goals, results and strategies. High quality images and videos round up this particularly branded section.
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