Logo Design
Of course, this is the heart of any company. Your logo is the most prominent sign characterizing your enterprise, market approach and philosophy. Part of our consulting is to examine together and step by step find solutions that really fit your needs.
Corporate Design
Branding is more than just a logo. It also depends a lot on how it fits into a hierarchy of communication means. We (re)visit your corporate design concerning styles and functionality: in the web, your printed campaigns and in your daily business documents.
Responsive Design
Let’s be flexible! Today a vast range of electronic communication needs to be captured. We serve your data in a way that it looks good on mobile phones, tablets and larger screens. And we’ll do it in a smooth way with the most advanced internet techniques available.
Guide Lines
We set up the rules for what concerns all kinds of editorial or campaign designs. So that your staff will be able to follow your company’s style guides and hand it over to third party services, too. This keeps track and empowers your unique corporate image in public.
Data Organization
Let us elaborate plans how to store and handle your data professionally. Save from intruders and well understandable for the people that work with you. We’ll teach your teams how to do it and stay at your side anytime. Find out more on our consulting services agreements.
Online Shop Systems
We style online shop systems that look awesome and work flawlessly. We do this in a team with external providers if you wish or cover the whole solution for your company. A serious looking shop helps build up consumers’ confidence which makes you sell more and better.